by petpack | Nov 7, 2019 | Pet Advice
Have you had a look at your canine or feline family member recently? You know the one- it was still a puppy/kitten just the other day…week….month….year! Can you see the tell-tale signs that he or she is approaching that ‘mature age’ era?...
by petpack | Aug 7, 2019 | Pet Advice
Every day at work, we see pets that are overweight. It is certainly seems a lot more common than it was 10 years ago. It is probably an unwanted ‘side effect’ of including our beloved pets in our family circle more than we used to do as a society. Now, I...
by petpack | Aug 7, 2019 | Pet Advice
To all of you chocolate lovers out there! That innocent looking pooch that lives with you is secretly planning to find your stash and get the lot! Dogs love chocolate! Don’t we all!!?? However, for dogs it is bad news. They can get chocolate poisoning and it can...
by petpack | Aug 6, 2019 | Pet Advice
Yes, it’s Winter and, yes, it’s cold! This morning, when I reluctantly crawled out of bed to meet a friend for a run, it was a chilly 4 degrees and my mini-dachshund, Gus, declined to join me, preferring his bed in front of the wood heater! He got his walk...